In April 2017, CZW obtained a defense verdict for Garvin County in a state court negligence case. In Bohnstedt v. Garvin County, the plaintiff was a 16 year old driver traveling south through an intersection of County roads in Garvin County and collided with the side of a County semitractor trailer which was also traveling through the intersection. The young driver claimed the wreck was the fault of the County claiming the County driver failed to yield to her despite the fact the young driver had the stop sign and the County truck did not. She also claimed the County was responsible for the wreck since the grass was too tall along the sides of the roadway which obstructed her view of the intersection and the stop sign; She also claimed the stop sign was so faded that it was not visible to her and ineffective as a traffic control. At the end of the five day trial, the jury rendered a defense verdict in favor of the County, concluding the County was not responsible for the wreck.
Oklahoma Governmental Tort Claims Act: Negligence and Notice
By admin|2017-07-27T17:02:46+00:00July 27th, 2017|Government, Negligence, Notice, Oklahoma Governmental Tort Claims Act|3 Comments